Life Planning

A comprehensive approach aligning life goals with personal values and financial aspirations.

Traditional financial planning focuses primarily on your money! Saving for retirement and how it should be invested.

Our financial life planning process recognizes that money is just the “tool” to be used in search of fulfilling your life aspirations and not the goal itself.

We begin by asking the right questions for us to understand you! Your life aspirations, your family, and your attitude towards money, and relationship with it, because these are the drivers of how you will manage money and decisions about it in life. By understanding the root of your relationship with money we can ensure your behaviour going forward aligns with your true values.

Our purpose is to help you achieve the best life possible with the money you have. We will work in partnership with you putting your life at the centre of our conversations, taking the time to understand YOU!

The Three Kinder Questions for Financial Life Planning

Money is not the end all, be all.  The purpose of money is to provide us the time to do what we want, when we want, with the people we want.  Money is a surrogate for our time.  Time to live the life that we find most satisfying and full of purpose.

A great tool to help people sort all of this stuff out – and to make a specific life plan – involves the Three Kinder Questions. 

Take a ride on our Lifestyle Wheel!

As part of our comprehensive financial planning service, we have developed a ‘Lifestyle Wheel’ to help clients identify how they feel about their current lifestyle and highlight areas for improvement.

It looks at ten elements of lifestyle, including physical and emotional health, fun and recreation, relationships, time, financial wellbeing and personal fulfilment.